"A garden must combine the poetic and the mysterious with a feeling of serenity and joy."  Luis Barragan  


FOXGLOVES, in gorgeous colors, are the best all-purpose gardening gloves.

FOXGLOVES, in gorgeous colors, are the best all-purpose gardening gloves.

Carriage House Gardens carries a selection of the BEST essentials for gardening including Foxgloves gardening GLOVES, Womanswork tool HOLSTERS, and the multi-purpose EZ DIGGER.

Metal and stone birdbaths by Raymond Mathis - Tutto Metal Design - in Thomaston, ME.

Birdbaths designed and fabricated with birds and pollinators in mind! Shallow bowls with bumps for perching are just right for most birds and pollinators.

URN by ceramic artist John FAZzino

URN by ceramic artist John FAZzino

"The time I spend in the garden is as important to me as the time I spend in the studio. I look for ways to integrate my ceramic work into the garden setting to enliven a space.” — ceramic artist John Fazzino

Art for the garden by Hilary Olson - Forge in the Ferns.

Butterflies in copper and stainless flit over the garden! Large steel flowers bloom endlessly! Always in season and never needing watering or weeding!